
As temperatures rise, you depend more frequently on your central air conditioning system. Although it’s responsible for keeping you comfortable throughout spring and summer, you don’t have to worry about elevated energy bills if you take the following steps to reduce your costs. Here’s what all homeowners should know if they want to remain cool within their budgets.

How to Lower Your Spring & Summer Cooling Costs 

1. Seal Any Openings

Skyrocketing energy bills could be due to air leaks from tiny openings throughout your house. Before temperatures soar, take the time to inspect areas around doors, windows, and the home’s foundation. Use weatherstripping and caulk to seal the gaps. This should allow you to raise the temperature inside instead of forcing your central air conditioning system to work overtime to cool the property.

2. Replace the Filter

It’s easy to forget this step, but replacing the filter at least once every three months is a great way to ensure that your system runs efficiently. Clogged filters inhibit proper airflow and cause contaminants in the air instead. When you replace the filter, the unit doesn’t have to work as hard to keep the home comfortable.

central air conditioning3. Opt for Efficiency

If your central air conditioning system is especially finicky or you find that you’re constantly dealing with repairs, contact an HVAC contractor to find out about a new, more efficient installation. Modern models are designed to conserve energy without sacrificing comfort. A professional will be able to advise you on the most efficient model for your needs. 

4. Schedule Regular Maintenance

Scheduling regular maintenance appointments at least twice a year will protect the life of your central air conditioning unit. Your technician will ensure that its parts are working properly and that your system remains in good shape. They can also catch any small problems before they become costly issues.


Trust the HVAC contractors at American Air Conditioning in Oahu, HI, to perform reliable inspections of your central air conditioning system. The locally-owned company handles everything from air conditioning repairs to installations, taking every step to help protect the life of your unit. Visit the website or call (808) 847-0851 to find out more about their AC services.
