
Many people find winter to be a dreary time of year. However, early blooming plants can bring a sense of cheer and color to your snow-covered garden. If you’re interested in getting a head start on your spring garden, consider planting some of the early blooming bulbs listed below. 

5 Early Blooming Bulbs to Plant for Spring

1. Daffodils

These flowers are a wonderful addition to the landscape if you want to brighten things up. There are several types of early daffodils available, including February Gold, which produces long-lasting flowers. 

2. Crocus

Considered to be one of the earliest spring flowers, crocus is a clump-forming perennial that’s perfect for planting in large numbers. When planted in a sunny area, crocus plants will bloom for years and produce lovely violet flowers.

3. Crested Iris

plantsThese flowers are said to be another harbinger of spring. These irises are a type of wildflower that is ideal for lining up walkways or garden borders because of their small size. At only six to eight inches tall, these wonderful blooms will fill your landscape with various shades of blue, purple, and white. 

4. Snowdrops

Though these dainty white flowers hang on delicate stems, they are very strong. After their bulbs are planted in deep, moist soil in the autumn, their flowers will push through the winter snow and remain throughout the spring.

5. Winter Aconite

Another plant that will push through snow is the winter aconite. These bright yellow buttercup-like blooms are ideal for those who like to grow perennials. The flowers are small; they only grow up to four inches. However, these will go away after a few days, but they will leave behind pretty foliage full of rich green leaves. 


No matter when you prefer to plant bulbs or seeds, you can count on P & M Garden Services to have everything you need for a thriving garden. As Eagle River, AK’s, premier greenhouse for more than 38 years, their team of experts are available to offer gardening advice as well as supplies and plants at competitive prices. Call (907) 694-9293 or visit their website to learn more about what this garden center can do for you.
