
When it comes to dental health, many people overlook the fact that oral health is directly tied to your overall wellness. However, oral health plays a role in your body’s delicate biochemical balance, which is why regular visits with your dentist are so important. Read on to learn more about how your oral health affects your body. 

The Link Between Dental Health and Overall Health

How do Oral Health Problems Hurt Your Body? 

When oral bacteria is allowed to flourish inside of your mouth, it can start to build underneath your gum line. From there it can seep into your bloodstream. While oral bacteria may seem relatively harmless, they can spark an inflammatory response throughout your body that contributes to conditions as serious as cancer, diabetes, arthritis, endocarditis, and cardiovascular disease. Some researchers have discovered the same bacteria that cause cavities inside of arterial plaques lining crucial arteries throughout the body. 

How Can You Prevent Problems? 

dentistFortunately, you can take great strides towards preventing complications tied to oral bacteria by taking care of your teeth. In addition to brushing twice a day and making flossing a priority, you should also meet with your dentist at regular intervals for deeper, more thorough cleanings. These routine exams and cleanings help your dentist to proactively address issues like gum disease, tartar buildup, and active tooth decay — helping your body to stay healthy. 


Taking care of your dental health is crucial to protecting your body, so make regular visits with your dentist a top priority. At Pfeiffer Family Dentistry in Fort Thomas, KY, you will find help with everything from preventative checkups and teeth whitening to full smile restorations. Learn more about their commitment to pain-free dentistry by visiting their website, or schedule an appointment by calling (859) 441-1900. 
