
From soiled soccer uniforms to crumb-riddled tablecloths, your washer and dryer play a big role in maintaining and supporting your household. So when they suddenly stop working, you may feel a bit overwhelmed. But it may not be your entire appliance that’s to blame — the issue could come down to a simple washer or dryer part repair. Here are some of the common component fixes that will get your machines back up and running.

4 of the Most Common Washer & Dryer Parts Used for Repair

1. Valves

Washing machines are connected to plumbing systems through the water inlet valve, which allows clean water to fill up the drum that holds your dirty laundry. Over time, trace amounts of sediment and minerals in your water supply can buildup in this component’s filter screen, preventing liquid from flowing as usual. In this case, you’ll have to replace this component.

2. Motors

dryer partsLike many other powerful machines, your washer and dryer rely on motors to do their jobs. These washer and dryer parts are prone to overheating after extended use. Because your dryer generates heat to do its job, it’s especially likely in this machine. In some cases, a coupler repair will suffice, but in older models, you may need to have the motor replaced.

3. Belts

The drive belt transmits the power created by the motors in your washer and dryer to the actual mechanics that wash and dry your clothes. While it’s strong and flexible, this part endures significant wear and tear and will need to be replaced once you detect the odor of burning rubber.

4. Pumps

Washing machines use pumps to toss the water around in circles, working the dirt, sweat, and other particles out of your clothes. When finished, the pump also drains the water out of the drum. Plastic pumps will eventually break or begin leaking, forming a pool of water beneath your washer. They may also need to be replaced if they become clogged with debris or buildup.


If you’re in the market for high-quality washer and dryer parts to repair your machines, Appliance Parts Of Radcliff, KY, can help. They have sold components for refrigerators, air conditioners, and a wide range of other appliances to Radcliff residents for over 25 years. To learn more about their impressive inventory, visit the website, or call (270) 352-2900 for additional information.
