
The moments after a car accident are often filled with chaos and confusion. Still, what you do in the immediate aftermath could prove important, especially if the other driver was responsible for the collision and you were injured. To enhance your chances of filing a successful personal injury claim, here are a few do’s and don’ts to keep in mind. 


Get medical attention.

Even if your injuries seem minor, get examined by a doctor. The body often responds to trauma with shock and adrenaline that can mask pain. In addition, some injuries don’t present symptoms until hours or even days after a collision, like whiplash. Receiving treatment will also provide you with medical records, which are vital for supporting a personal injury claim.  

Gather evidence.

personal injuryEstablishing liability is often a complex and contentious process. Safeguard your rights by gathering evidence. Be sure to get a copy of the police report, ask for contact information and statements from any witnesses, and take photos of your injuries, damage to the vehicles, and the scene of the accident.


Talk to the other party’s insurance company.

The other party’s insurance company may want you to give a recorded statement about the accident. Even if you were in the right and have nothing to hide, your words could be twisted and used to undermine your claim. Additionally, they may try to pressure you to settle for far less than your injuries are worth. As such, refrain from talking to the insurance company until you’ve spoken with your attorney. 

Wait to consult a personal injury lawyer. 

Many people make the mistake of waiting to get legal advice until an issue arises with their claim. Speak with a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible so they can begin investigating what happened, help you collect evidence, and start negotiations with the insurance company. They’ll also know how to accurately evaluate your injuries to determine the level of compensation to which you’re entitled. 


Knowing how to react in the aftermath of a car accident will help protect your rights and ensure you get the compensation you deserve. If you’ve been injured in a traffic collision due to someone else’s negligence, contact Upstate Legal Center of John V. Shepard in Rochester, NY. Over the last three decades, Attorney Shepard has achieved favorable outcomes on numerous personal injury claims. He’s dedicated to providing the residents of Monroe County with effective representation and personalized service. Call (585) 429-5422 to schedule a free consultation or visit him online for more information on his background. 
