
If your feet feel cold all the time, you might find yourself brushing off the symptom as a harmless individual trait. But there could be a legitimate medical condition underlying your chilly feet. To help you determine whether the foot problem warrants a visit with your doctor, discover some of the possible causes behind this phenomenon below.

Why Are My Feet Always Cold?

1. Iron Deficiency

Iron-deficiency anemia prevents the body from making ample red blood cells, which carry oxygen throughout the body. As a result, you may find yourself tired, short of breath, and having cold extremities. Other symptoms may include brittle nails, weakness, and dizziness or headaches. In many cases, iron deficiencies can be treated effectively through dietary changes and supplements.

2. Poor Blood Circulation

foot problemsOne of the most common explanations for cold feet, circulation issues can result from heart disease, smoking, or even a sedentary lifestyle. In some cases, poor circulation is also caused by diabetes. People with diabetes must take extra care of their feet, as the disease can impede wound healing and cause numbness related to diabetic nerve damage. If poor circulation is detected, your doctor can get to the root cause and recommend a treatment plan.

3. Thyroid Issues

Hypothyroidism, a condition in which the thyroid is underactive, can alter metabolism. Because your metabolism plays a major role in temperature regulation, an underperforming thyroid may cause you to experience foot problems, including reduced circulation and chilliness. The symptoms of hypothyroidism can be minimized with the help of interventions such as hormone replacement therapy.


If you’re experiencing persistent coldness or any other foot problem, the first step in ruling out serious conditions is to contact the specialists from Westside Podiatry Group. These Rochester, NY-based podiatrists have an in-depth understanding of foot health and how it relates to other bodily systems. Their team specializes in helping patients with chronic conditions such as diabetes and peripheral neuropathy maintain optimal foot health. Learn more about their approach to preventive foot care online or call one of their three locations to schedule an appointment: (585) 225-2290 for Greece, (585) 247-2170 for Chili, or (585) 506-9790 for Brighton.
