
When sugars in foods interact with bacteria in the mouth, acids are created that then eat away at the enamel and cause decay. While regular brushing and flossing and routine visits to the dentist will help you stay on top of tooth decay, there are also at-home methods that might reverse it naturally. 

3 Tips for Reversing Tooth Decay Naturally

1. Choose Re-Mineralizing Foods

Cavities and decay occur because the teeth lose essential minerals through a process called demineralization. But you can re-mineralize and replace some of those important nutrients by eating foods with the necessary vitamins and minerals. In addition to decreasing intake of sugars and carbohydrates, eat foods rich in fat-soluble vitamins, such as carrots, olive oil, and sweet potatoes. Also, add foods into your diet that have a high mineral content, like avocados and leafy green vegetables.

2. Chew Sugarless Gum

Xylitol is a natural sugar derivative found in many plants. It is also the sweetening ingredient in most dentist approved sugarless gums. When you chew sugarless gum, the xylitol discourages and removes plaque formation on the teeth. Just the motion of chewing is helpful as well; it increases saliva production, so the teeth receive a good rinse and food particles naturally wash away.

3. Be Mindful of How Intensely You Brush

dentistTeeth are actually rather soft, and overbrushing can cause the outermost enamel layer of the teeth to wear away. Brushing too hard also worsens decay and demineralization because the enamel disintegrates more quickly than it can re-mineralize. Dentists recommend using a soft-bristled toothbrush, placing it at a 45-degree angle to the gums, and gently and slowly moving it back and forth.


These pointers can help eliminate and prevent tooth decay, but they are no substitute for regular dentist visits. Tkatch Dentistry in High Point, NC, offers a variety of dental services to the Guilford County area. Their team of family dentists provides preventative and targeted care, including exams, X-rays, fillings, and crowns. Call (336) 889-9916 or visit them online to schedule an appointment.
