
A crucial part of any painting project is doing the preparation work. This ensures you have all the tools for completing the work and allows you to plan out the execution. Set yourself up for success and follow the steps listed below before applying any paint to the walls in your home.

How to Ready a Room Before Adding New Paint

1. Decide on the Colors

Visit your local paint or hardware store and select a few different shades that would work well with your interior design. Before buying any, bring the swatches home and hang them on the wall. Note how the colors change throughout the day to help you weed out options that might look unflattering under specific lighting conditions.

2. Patch & Clean the Wallspaint

Wash the walls with warm water and soap to remove any dust and dirt. Then, use a scraper to remove flaking and cracked paint, and use sandpaper to smooth bumps. Finally, plaster any small holes, and once it has dried, sand them down to be even with the surrounding wall. 

3. Protect Furnishings & Fixtures From Paint

If possible, move all furnishings out of the room where you are painting. If not, cover each item with a drop cloth and tape down the sides to prevent stains. Also, make sure the flooring is fully protected from any flecks, and use more masking tape to protect light switches, outlets, wall sconces, and any trim that is not being painted.  


Whatever paint project you are tackling, A & R Home Center in Washington, IN, has trusted products to help you complete it. Since 1969, the family-owned home improvement store has provided the community with well-known brands. Their expert staff also provides a range of handyman and home remodeling services, including plumbing, HVAC, and electrical supplies. Visit their website today to order all items needed to successfully carry out your project, or call them at (800) 922-9340 with any questions.
