
Superior Imports, an import auto shop located in Burlington, KY, wants to make sure your car lasts as long as possible. Expenses and fees associated with upkeep and foreign car repair can add up, but what most people forget is that costs and repairs can be minimized and avoided. By following these helpful tips, you can ensure that your car stays in excellent shape, saving you money on gas. Consider the following tips that can extend your gas mileage:

  • Regular Maintenance: You may think that taking your car to the shop would increase costs, but keeping your car running smoothly will save you money on gas. By playing defense, you can avoid costly maintenance later on. Problems always arise when you least expect them, but a mechanic can help you catch minor problems before they became bigger problems.
  • Better Driving Habits: The most cost-effective solution to improving mileage is changing the way you drive your car. Excess weight in your vehicle and driving at irregular speeds can cause you to use more fuel than necessary. Avoid rapid acceleration and abrupt stops to avoid wasting fuel.
  • Correct Tire Pressure: Keeping your tires properly inflated at the recommended PSI levels is very important and something that people often miss. Keep a tire pressure gauge in your glove box and check your tires regularly.
  • A Tight Gas Cap: Forgetting to close the gas cap is an embarrassing mistake, but we’ve all been there. This small oversight can lead to escaped gas vapors, which leads to poor gas mileage. Keeping the gas cap locked tight will preserve your full tank. If your gas cap is broken, replace it immediately to prevent leaking gas vapor.

Let Superior Imports check out your foreign car to see if anything could be harming your gas mileage. Call (859) 586-7444 to schedule your import auto service appointment today. 
