
If you’re focused on getting in better shape, you might be trying to tone or gain muscle. Your body will go through changes during this process, and you may need to adjust your diet to accommodate exercise. Changing your lifestyle to get in shape can be challenging, but you can focus on basic nutritional medicine concepts to make sculpting your body easier.

3 Eating Tips to Build Muscles

1. Focus on Protein

Protein is comprised of essential amino acids that act as building blocks for new muscle fibers, and to build muscle, you’ll need to infuse your diet with plenty of protein. Opt for lean, healthy proteins, like grilled chicken, soy, eggs, and peanut butter. If you have a busy lifestyle, add protein powder to a morning smoothie or shake to create a nutritional meal that’s ideal for building muscle.

2. Time Your Meals

nutritional medicineTime your meals so the food can nourish and power your body. Nutritional medicine experts recommend eating a protein-rich meal two to three hours before lifting weights. After working out, have another protein-packed meal within the first one to two hours to give your muscles a chance to recover from the exercise.

3. Make Sure You Eat Enough

While many people are focused on not eating too much while they train, failure to eat proper amounts of food could hamper your results. Make sure you’re eating at least .8 grams of fiber per kilogram of body weight every day.


If you’d like extra support while getting in shape, contact the helpful team at IMUA Orthopedics, Sports & Health in Honolulu, HI. With a focus on comprehensive health issues and a commitment to safety, these nutritional medicine professionals offer advice and treatments for everything from early weight loss and sports injuries to performance optimization and orthopedic help. To schedule an appointment with a nutritional medicine specialist, send a message online or call (808) 521-8170.
