
Thumb-sucking is a natural reflex for many children, providing comfort and easily developing into a regular habit. But the behavior can be a detrimental one for the healthy development of teeth and gums. Below is some important information your dentist wants you to know about the effects of thumb-sucking on oral health.

Possible Consequences of Thumb-Sucking

The biggest danger thumb-sucking poses is that it may cause teeth to grow in crooked. The regular presence of thumbs, other fingers, or even pacifiers in the mouth may make it impossible for the teeth to align properly.

Another factor that can play a role in the damage caused by thumb-sucking is how intense the sucking action is. A child who just rests their thumb inside their mouth often doesn't experience issues to the extent of one who sucks their thumb vigorously. Nonetheless, it is important to take steps to curb thumb-sucking early, as this will avert the possibility of any kind of damage.

How to Break the Habit

dentistCurbing a thumb-sucking habit requires vigilance and consistency on the part of the parent. Positive reinforcement is always best, so be sure to regularly praise the child whenever you see that they are not sucking their thumb. Because the behavior is a soothing one for many children, view the issue not as a standalone problem, but as a possible indicator that the child is feeling anxious. Provide comfort with plenty of hugs and kisses; encourage the child to talk about their fears; and reassure them that they are safe and loved.

A visit to the dentist might also be helpful in breaking your child's thumb-sucking habit. Dentists know how to talk to kids about oral health issues in ways they can understand. The dentist will not only offer encouragement, but they might also suggest and prescribe a topical medication to apply to the thumb and discourage the habit.


The good news is that the vast majority of kids grow out of the thumb-sucking stage. But curtailing the behavior early on is essential for healthy teeth, and Alpine Family Dentistry is here for your family. They provide the Eagle River, AK, area with a range of family dentistry services, including exams, X-rays, teeth cleanings, and root canals. To schedule an appointment with a dentist, call (907) 694-2409 or visit them online.
