
Water is used in various aspects of food preparation, from washing dishes and rinsing produce to steaming vegetables and boiling dried goods. But if you lack a water filtration system, hard water can influence the quality of your dishes. Here’s why filtered water results in the safest and best tasting food.

Why Is Filtered Water Important for Food Prep?

1. Protect Your Health

Unfiltered water may contain contaminants such as chlorine, pesticide, and bacteria, which may cause short- and long-term digestive and respiratory issues. Cooking with a water filtration system removes any trace of these contaminants to reduce your risk of developing related health issues. 

2. Improve the Taste

water filtration systemUnfiltered water may smell like chlorine or rotten eggs. This odor and taste can also transfer to your food. For instance, pasta absorbs the water it is boiled in; if the water is unfiltered, your noodles may share the same taste and odor. This is also true for boiled beverages, such as coffee, tea, and hot chocolate. 

3. Streamline the Cooking Process

Using hard water can make cooking more time-consuming. For instance, the minerals in hard water prevent the protein in bread from absorbing water, thus slowing down the process of fermentation. A pot of water may also take longer to boil as the minerals interfere with the pressure of the water vapor. 


If you want to install a water filtration system in your home, turn to the experts at The Water Source. For over 25 years, these certified water operators and plumbers have offered a variety of water purification solutions for residential and commercial customers throughout the Hudson Valley and surrounding areas. They feature state-of-the-art water filtration systems from industry-leading brands to improve the quality and safety of your water supply, along with installation and repair services. Call (845) 297-1600 or visit them online to learn more about their products and services. 
