
Dentists estimate that up to 16% of the U.S. population have bruxism, the clinical term for teeth grinding. But what makes this issue so crucial is that many people who have it aren't even aware that they're grinding their teeth until distressing symptoms emerge and they visit their dentist for treatment. To help you better understand teeth grinding, below are answers to some of the more frequently asked questions on the subject.

Answers to Common Questions About Teeth Grinding

How can I tell if I have sleep bruxism?

dentistSleep bruxism occurs when a person grinds their teeth in their sleep. Symptoms include jaw pain or tenderness or a headache upon waking, increased tooth sensitivity, or noticeable changes to the shape, condition, or enamel of the teeth. You might also experience pain that feels like an earache, but, in reality, the pain is centered in the jaw.

What are the causes of bruxism?

Both awake and sleep bruxism are the direct result of grinding the teeth together. With awake bruxism, that grinding is often the product of stress or anxiety; it might also be a side effect of specific medications. With sleep bruxism, the grinding comes from chewing movements in the jaw that arise unconsciously during certain stages of sleep.

What are the risk factors for developing this condition?

Stress is the biggest influence on whether one develops bruxism. Those prone to aggression, anger, or competitiveness are more vulnerable to teeth grinding. Young children sometimes grind their teeth, but grow out of it by adulthood. Also, certain psychiatric medications put you at greater risk of developing the condition. 

How can a dentist help?

A dentist can give you a definitive diagnosis and design a customized treatment plan. They will also perform a comprehensive exam to determine the extent of damage and wear to the teeth and what needs to be done to correct these problems. Many people with the condition find great relief by using a mouthguard when they sleep.



While bruxism can create some uncomfortable symptoms, it’s a highly treatable condition. Dr. Tris J. Carta is a dentist in Hartford County, CT, who routinely treats teeth grinding issues. He and his team offer adult and children's dentistry services, ranging from exams and teeth cleanings to implants, extractions, and root canals. Schedule an appointment by calling (860) 646-2251 and visit his website to read more about his services, including customized night guards. 
