
If you frequently experience hazy or blurred vision, severe head or eye pain, or deteriorating eyesight, you may need glaucoma testing. Glaucoma occurs when an increased pressure within your eye begins to cause a gradual decrease in your vision. With a range of symptoms associated with this condition, there are several ways your eye doctor can perform glaucoma testing.

Common Tests for Glaucoma

1. Tonometry

This type of exam measures the amount of pressure within your eye. The doctor will use a device or small puff of air to determine the pressure in your eyes, with most typical measurements being between 12 and 22 millimeters of mercury (mm HG) and glaucoma cases surpassing 22 mm Hg. Because eye pressure is different in each person, the doctor will utilize other tests to better diagnose your condition.

2. Ophthalmoscopy

glaucoma testingOphthalmoscopy is used to evaluate your optic nerve for damage due to glaucoma. During this exam, the doctor will use eye drops to dilate the pupils, enabling them to see through your eye and examine the optic nerve for any kind of abnormalities in shape, color or appearance.

3. Perimetry

If the optic nerve looks abnormal during the ophthalmoscopy test, your doctor may perform a perimetry test. This visual field test can help tell your eye doctor if your loss of sight is being caused by glaucoma. During perimetry, you’ll be asked to look straight ahead then indicate when a red light passes your peripheral vision. Your doctor may choose to repeat this examination in subsequent visits to track any further degradation in sight.

4. Pachymetry

Another common exam performed during glaucoma testing is pachymetry. This evaluation measures the thickness of your cornea, because corneal thickness can influence eye pressure readings. This quick procedure only takes a few minutes per each eye. With this information, your doctor will be able to better understand your pressure reading.


If your vision isn’t what it used to be or you’re exhibiting symptoms of glaucoma, visit Alan L. Ginsburg, OD, in High Point, NC, for a thorough evaluation. With more than 40 years of experience, the team offers a range of services, from glaucoma testing to comprehensive eye exams. To learn more about this eye care facility, visit them online or call (336) 889-6566 to schedule an appointment today.
