
When you are diagnosed with skin cancer, your dermatologist will present all of your treatment options. One of the most effective procedures for skin cancer removal is Mohs surgery. If you are considering this surgery for your type of skin cancer, it’s important to talk to your doctor about what to expect. This guide will break down some of the basics of Mohs surgery and how to know if you are a candidate. 

What Skin Cancer Patients Should Know About Mohs Surgery

What Is Mohs Surgery?

Mohs micrographic surgery is a skin cancer treatment method performed under a microscope. During the procedure, the surgeon removes one layer of skin at a time. They perform this in stages, checking whether cancer cells are present before removing another layer. Once the area is free of cancer cells, the surgery is complete. 

Why Is It Preferable to Other Treatments?

skin cancerSince the surgery removes all of the cancer cells in the skin cancer site, it minimizes the chances of the cancer returning and requiring further treatment. It is also highly precise, so the surgeon will preserve the surrounding healthy tissue as much as possible. Because of this, the patient may have minimal scarring and can return home the next day. 

Who Is a Candidate?

Mohs surgery is generally recommended for forms of basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) and squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs). Many dermatologists will recommend Mohs surgery for patients who have a high risk of their cancer returning. This procedure can also be effective when other treatments have failed or for cancers that are spreading quickly. Since it preserves as much healthy tissue as possible, many doctors will recommend it for areas like the fingers, toes, and face. Remember that the best way to determine whether you are a candidate for Mohs surgery is to have an in-depth conversation with your dermatologist. 


If you are interested in learning more about Mohs surgery and other skin cancer treatments, visit the professionals at Aylesworth Dermatology. Located in Rhinelander, WI, this team can help you maintain your skin’s health for years to come. Whether you need skin cancer testing or are looking to manage your acne, Dr. Robert J. Aylesworth and his team will use their 36 years of experience to provide quality care. To view a full list of their services, visit them online. You can also call (715) 369-4500 to schedule an appointment. 
