
By developing good dental hygiene habits at a young age, children can enjoy a lifetime of healthy teeth. However, it can be tricky for parents to instill these habits. Whether your child is just starting to brush their own teeth or not cooperating with an oral hygiene routine, there are steps you can take to make the process easier. By talking to your dentist and following the tips in this guide, you can help your child care for their own teeth and gums.

How Can You Instill Dental Hygiene in Children?

Lead by Example

Children tend to mirror anything their parents do, and dental hygiene is no exception. Brush your teeth together and talk them through your technique. Show them how long to brush, how much toothpaste to use, and even how you floss. You might also try taking them to the dentist with you from a young age. 

Encourage a Healthy Diet

Proper oral hygiene involves more than just brushing and flossing. Children can also avoid cavities and other dental issues by cutting down on sugary snacks and drinks. Cook healthy meals for your family to encourage healthy eating, and limit sugar as much as possible. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables can help promote healthy teeth. 

Make Brushing Fun

dentistChildren learn well through play, so incorporate some fun into their dental hygiene routine. Allow them to pick out their toothbrush and toothpaste from the store. Put on their favorite music while they brush, or make up a brushing song. These techniques will help pass the time and even make your child look forward to this routine.

Expect Setbacks

Any learning process has setbacks, so your child might slip up in their dental care from time to time. If they skip a night of brushing or refuse to do their dental care routine one night, avoid punishing them. Try to use positive reinforcement, like a sticker chart, instead. They will then be more likely to go back to their routine the next day.

Visit the Dentist

Most dentists will want to see children for the first time after the child’s first tooth comes in or around their first birthday. By making regular appointments, you can keep tabs on your child’s oral health from the start. They will also get used to seeing the dentist and may even get excited about these visits. 


The right dentist can help your child keep their teeth healthy for life. The team at Cusp Family Dental provides compassionate care for patients of all ages in Aurora, CO. Their dental office offers routine cleanings, restorative dentistry, dental implants, and cosmetic services. No matter the treatment, the staff will walk your child through every step of the procedure. To view a full list of their services, visit them online today. You can also call (303) 343-2161 to make an appointment. 
