
If you spend hours a day in front of a computer screen for your job, March is the perfect time to assess your vision health during Workplace Eye Wellness Month. From understanding what conditions can impact you to knowing when you should see an eye doctor, there are a number of ways you can celebrate this month and care for your vision! Discover more about eye strain and ways you can protect your sight while working.

How Do Computers Impact Your Eye Health?

When you spend extensive time in front of a screen, whether it’s a tablet or computer, your vision can suffer from digital eye strain. This group of eye-related problems can cause a variety of symptoms, from blurry vision pain in the eyes to chronic headaches and even aches in the neck and shoulders. Your symptoms can increase or become more severe with prolonged exposure to screens, poor lighting, improper viewing distances, or prior uncorrected vision problems.

How Is Computer Vision Syndrome Treated?

eye doctorIf you notice the signs of digital strain, it’s important to see an eye doctor to be evaluated and receive treatment, if necessary. They will perform visual acuity measurements to determine the extent of the strain or damage. They will also test how your eyes function and focus. Once the eye doctor receives the results, they can recommend the proper solution, which may include eyeglasses to protect from screen glare or vision therapy to help the eyes work together again.

Can you Protect Yourself from Digital Eye Strain?

You can keep your vision healthy in front of the screen with a few easy tips. First, talk to your eye doctor about different exercises you can perform at your desk to improve eye wellness. This may be something as simple as blinking periodically or rolling your eyes. Additionally, make sure you are at an appropriate viewing distance, which is four to five inches below eye level and about 20-28 inches away from the screen.


If you’re looking for additional ways to celebrate Workplace Eye Wellness Month this March, visit Eric G. Stocker, OD, in Amherst, OH. The eye doctors on staff provide valuable assessments and treatments for conditions ranging from digital eye strain to macular degeneration. To learn more about Eric G. Stocker, OD, visit them online or call (440) 988-4419.
