
If you’re experiencing a troublesome toothache, your dentist might recommend a tooth extraction to alleviate the discomfort. You might think it’s a scary and intimidating process; however, the procedure is standard and your smile will be much better after the treatment. Here are a few beneficial reasons to consider this treatment.

Why You Should Schedule a Tooth Extraction

1. Make Room

You can opt for a replacement tooth after extraction. Some options, such as dental implants, look exactly like a natural tooth, fill gaps in your smile, and prevent surrounding teeth from shifting. They also help regrow lost gum and bone tissue for a healthier smile.

2. Get Pain Relief

tooth extractionIf a tooth needs to be removed, it’s usually infected or damaged and causing pain. Extracting the tooth allows the area to heal and be cleaned and treated effectively.

3. Protect Other Teeth

An infected tooth can spread bacteria to the surrounding teeth, causing cavities and gum disease. It can also spur bone damage that results in loose teeth, and delaying tooth extraction can lead to losing multiple teeth.

4. Prevent Misalignment

Teeth can become too crowded and push each other out of alignment, and a tooth removal might be suggested to straighten your smile. A smooth, unified dental arch protects each tooth in it from damage; however, when teeth are poorly aligned, some stick out farther than others and become vulnerable to damage. This approach is most commonly used for wisdom teeth.


If you think you need a tooth extraction, contact the team at Zen Dental Hawaii in Honolulu, HI. These skilled dentists specialize in general and cosmetic dentistry, including routine cleanings, cavity treatments, veneers, and dentures. Send a message online to make an appointment, or call (808) 532-5888 to speak with a team member about your oral needs.
