
If you turn on your shower or kitchen sink and brown water emerges, you may understandably feel a bit alarmed. Fortunately, discolored water is not usually a serious problem and is easy enough to correct. Before you grab the phone to call a plumber, it helps to understand the causes of brown water and what can be done about it.

Your Guide to Brown Tap Water

What Causes the Color Change?

When your tap whatever has a brown or orange coloration to it, the primary culprit is usually corrosion. Over time, rust and mineral deposits become trapped in water lines and eventually flush out through your fixtures. The rust sediments within your pipes may become dislodged as a result of oxidized iron particles, water flow surges, and old or damaged pipes.

Does It Pose Any Health Risks?

plumberBrown tap water is typically nontoxic and poses no serious danger to your household. However, plumbers recommend that you avoid drinking and bathing in it. When left unattended for too long, rusty water becomes a breeding ground for harmful bacteria and microbes, which will then render your water unsafe. Corrosion also risks cracking your pipes, which leads to leaks. There’s also the risk of mold and mildew buildup, which upsets the allergies and upper respiratory system. 

What Should You Do About It?

Occasionally, brown water will flush out of your plumbing system on its own without need of any further action. However, if the discoloration persists for more than 24 hours, contact a local plumber. They’ll test the water for hazards and inspect your plumbing for cracks and corrosion. If the problem extends beyond your domestic lines, you may need to contact the city to perform a multi-household examination.


Keep your indoor plumbing safe, clean, and serviceable with help from Murphy's Plumbing Company. For over 30 years, these plumbers have provided repairs, inspections, installations, and remodels for busted pipes, broken toilets, and clogged drains throughout Mebane, NC. Call (919) 563-5165 anytime you need an emergency plumber. Visit them online to browse their services and get valuable plumbing tips. 
