
When your septic system is running correctly, you can almost forget it exists, since it's so unobtrusive. But when there's a problem, you'll quickly notice the mess, odors, and inconvenience. Here are five septic tank issues to watch for so you can call a repair company at the earliest signs.

Common Septic Tank Problems

1. Full Tank

Your septic system divides liquids from solids and stores the solids until they can be disposed of. For this reason, the tank needs to be emptied every two to three years. If you notice slow drains or even backed up pipes across your home, your septic tank is getting too full and should be emptied promptly.

2. Leaking

septic tankJust like any part of your plumbing, your pipes or septic tank can develop leaks. This is especially likely during winter when freezing temperatures can cause pipes to burst. A vehicle placed on top of the tank or drain field can also damage the system and cause leaks.

3. Roots

If you notice trees or shrubs near your tank or drain field are looking especially lush and healthy, it's likely their roots have gotten into your septic system. Roots can crack or clog pipes, so they need to be removed as soon as possible.

4. Compacted Ground

Your drain field needs loose soil around its pipes to naturally filter wastewater and let it trickle out. If the soil is packed down, the water can't flow out, and the tank will quickly fill up, resulting in slow or backed up drains. A septic repair company can help loosen and restore the soil.

5. Bacteria Imbalance

Another problem that may be spotted during a septic inspection is an issue with the bacteria in your septic tank. Normally, this bacteria helps break down the waste that flows through the system. But if you flush chemicals or antibacterial cleaners down the drain, you can kill off the helpful bacteria and the tank may need additives to restore it.


If you see the signs of these common septic tank problems, call Scott Robbins Septic Tank Service in Denton, NC. Serving residents throughout Davidson County, they have more than 20 years of experience providing inspections, repairs, maintenance, and pumping to keep your system on track. Their affordable prices and 24/7 availability make them the area's top provider. To schedule a visit, call (336) 880-0859 today.
