
Your teeth are made of a layer of protective enamel surrounding softer inner materials. If the enamel is damaged, the interior of the tooth becomes vulnerable to infection. To prevent this from happening or worsening, you'll need to receive a filling from your dentist in the following situations.

When You Need a Filling

1. Cavities

A cavity occurs when bacteria produce acid and begin to wear away your tooth enamel. This creates a small flaw in the enamel where more bacteria can hide. They then produce acid, which deepens the pit. To treat this condition, your dentist removes the infected enamel, then places a filling to prevent more bacteria from living there.

2. Fractures

FillingsA tooth fracture can occur due to sudden facial injuries or stress from biting and chewing. While serious fractures may result in losing the tooth, minor fractures can be repaired using the same material that goes into a filling.

3. Structural Damage

Due to a combination of decay and fractures, a tooth could be severely weakened or lose large portions of enamel. In order to save the tooth, your dentist may recommend a large filling to strengthen it.

4. Replacing Old Fillings

If you already have an existing filling, there are several reasons it might need to be replaced. It may fall out or become infected, or the material may be unattractive enough to warrant replacement with modern tooth-colored resin.

5. Dental Bonding

While it's not technically a filling, dental bonding uses the same resin material as tooth-colored fillings. It can be used to change the shape of a tooth, repair chips, cover stains, and even create a whole new surface for the tooth.


If you think you may need a filling, contact Dr. Robert N. Petrtyl, DDS in Cincinnati, OH. Serving Hamilton County and the surrounding areas for over 30 years as both a general and cosmetic dentist, Dr. Petrtyl keeps his office open six days a week and uses the latest, most advanced techniques to ensure a high standard of care. To make an appointment, call (513) 554-4657 or send a request online.
