
Your tank and drain field need regular septic maintenance to continue working smoothly. This is especially true in the winter, when freezing temperatures may reach your plumbing. To avoid common problems, like frozen tanks and burst pipes, follow these recommendations.

How to Protect Your Septic System From the Cold

1. Insulate

A thick layer of mulch over your septic tank can go a long way toward sealing in warmth and protecting it from frost. For any exposed pipes leading from your home, ask a plumbing professional to install pipe insulation.

2. Use Hot Water

Septic MaintenanceIf you add hot water to your septic tank each day, it's less likely to drop below the freezing point. Take hot showers, run your laundry and dishwasher, or just let some hot water flow down the sink.

3. Empty as Needed

Bacterial activity in your septic tank can slow in winter due to the cold, which may mean that solids break down more slowly and the tank fills faster. If you're beginning to notice signs that it's full, like slow drains throughout the house or unpleasant odors, schedule septic pumping.

4. Repair Issues Promptly

What's worse for pipes than freezing once is thawing and freezing repeatedly. If you do end up with frozen or cracked pipes, they need to be addressed as soon as possible to keep them from getting worse.

5. Call a Professional

Most problems with your septic tank, like leaks, breaks, and frozen components, are not issues you can safely address yourself. A mistake could lead to a sewage spill, which is a major health hazard. Instead, call a repair specialist to take care of any septic maintenance.


For septic maintenance this winter, call Green Acres Septic Tank Service in Callaway County. Serving the entire Central Missouri area, they have over 30 years of experience providing efficient, affordable maintenance, repairs, and pumping to both homes and businesses. To access their 24/7 emergency service, call (573) 529-6706 or reach out online.
