
A lot can happen in a year—especially for a growing baby. There are so many wonderful milestones in the first year of life, and it’s critical for all new parents to schedule a wellness exam with a trusted pediatrician as the second year begins. While there are many other doctor appointments prior to this checkup, you can expect this exam to be slightly more involved and focused on the big picture of your little one’s health. To help you prepare for this important visit, here’s what you can expect.

Understanding Your Baby’s First Annual Wellness Exam

Physical Evaluation

The bulk of this checkup will center around a physical evaluation. After taking weight and height measurements, your pediatrician will be able to tell if your child is following a healthy development track.

The doctor will examine your baby’s eyes, ears, skin, and mouth to see if there are any signs of infection. Your baby’s eye function and hearing capabilities may also be tested. To assess the development of the skull, your pediatrician will check for soft spots and measure head shape. 

pediatricianIn terms of internal health, the pediatrician will use a stethoscope to make sure the heart is functioning properly and the lungs are allowing for normal breathing. Soft presses on the stomach will reveal if there are issues with internal organs.

In addition to testing reflexes, the doctor will gently move your child’s legs to ensure that all joints are working properly.


At the one-year checkup, your baby will typically be given all vaccines that are up next on the immunization schedule. In addition to finishing out the series of prior immunizations, common vaccines given at this point include those that protect against MMR, chickenpox, the flu, and Hepatitis A. Depending on how the checkup proceeds, your doctor will provide an update on when the next shots are needed.

Review of Behaviors

Pediatricians will review a series of behaviors that can indicate your child’s overall development and general health. For example, if bathroom issues are present, your doctor may recommend a change in diet. Physical capabilities—such as crawling and walking—will also be checked, as these typically are demonstrated by 12 months of age. Other areas that will likely be discussed include sleeping habits, social skills, and fine motor skills.


If you’re a new parent in need of a high-quality pediatrician in Monroe, GA, look no further than Walton Family Medicine. Staffed by skilled family doctors, this practice is able to offer compassionate and stress-free care to patients of all ages—including babies. Committed to the continued health of patients, these providers will work with you in all areas of your child’s health and explore recommended preventive medicine solutions. To learn more about what this practice offers, visit their website. Call (770) 267-7093 to schedule a convenient appointment for your baby or any other member of your family.  
