
Proper oral hygiene isn’t something that’s exclusive to humans; it’s also an integral aspect of quality animal care. Tooth brushing safeguards cats and dogs against problems like cavities and periodontal disease. With February marking National Pet Dental Health Month, now is the perfect time to prioritize your pet’s smile by upping the ante on their dental care routine. Use the below tips to care for the teeth of your furry friends, and ultimately keep them happy and healthy. 

3 Tips for Pet Dental Care

1. Brush Regularly

Make daily brushing a regular part of routine animal care, as this is the best way to reduce the risk of dental problems. If your pet isn't accustomed to brushing, use a soft-bristled finger brush. If your pet is over 30 pounds, choose a brush with a long handle instead. Let them sniff the brush and taste the toothpaste first to help them feel comfortable. Then, apply a small amount of toothpaste to their gums and gently brush their teeth.

2. Get Tooth-Friendly Treats

animal dentistThough daily brushing is recommended for optimal dental health in pets, you may not always have time each day. However, investing in animal treats specifically designed to support dental care can help compensate for days when you are unable to thoroughly brush their teeth. These treats encourage cats and dogs to chew vigorously, creating a cleansing scrubbing effect that can mitigate plaque buildup. 

3. Visit a Veterinarian or Animal Dentist

Even with regular at-home brushing, you won’t be able to get your pet’s teeth perfectly polished. A veterinarian or animal dentist has the cleaning tools to effectively scrape off plaque and tartar without hurting your cat or dog. They can also check for other potential oral health problems during a cleaning appointment, and advise you on effective treatment options if necessary. For pets that are especially skittish, animal dentists can even provide anesthesia to calm their nerves and ease the process.


Celebrate National Pet Dental Health Month by making an appointment with the experienced animal dentists of Hayward Animal Hospital. Their compassionate approach to animal care has continually provided pet owners in Sawyer County peace of mind for over 30 years. Located in Hayward, WI, this full-service veterinary clinic offers quality services ranging from dog and cat vaccinations, to digital dental X-rays, and pet orthopedics. Visit their website to review their services, or schedule an appointment by calling (715) 634-8971.
