
A root canal is a dental treatment in which the infected or inflamed pulp of a tooth is removed. This type of procedure is necessary to save the tooth, which is often preferable to replacing it with a dental implant. Below are a few reasons a dentist might prescribe a root canal treatment.

Situations That Might Call for a Root Canal

1. Extreme Tooth Decay

root canalBacteria in the mouth interacts with the sugar in foods to create acids harmful to the teeth. These acids eat away at the sensitive enamel coating of teeth, producing decay. A mild or even moderate amount of decay is rarely a reason for a root canal. But decay that is extreme can penetrate deep into the tooth and infect the soft tissue inside, also known as the pulp, causing intense pain and even tooth loss. A root canal removes the pulp damaged by deep decay.

2. Multiple Procedures on the Same Tooth

Teeth are surprisingly strong and durable, but multiple procedures on the same tooth can put a considerable amount of stress on it. Recurring cavities in the same spot signal that the tooth is sensitive to infection or inflammation. Repeated procedures will take their toll, so removing the infection or inflammation via a root canal can preserve the tooth and reduce the need for future procedures.

3. A Cracked or Chipped Tooth

When a tooth crack or chip has reached the pulp, a root canal will often be ordered. This kind of damage is usually the result of severe dental trauma. By contrast, a minor chip or crack can be corrected with bonding or a cap; so, if your dentist recommends a root canal, you know the existing damage is putting the health of the tooth in danger.


A root canal can address any of the above issues and help ensure the longevity of the tooth. Stanley R McCardle DMD | Family Dentistry has been providing dental services to the Headland, AL, and Henry County areas since 1992. Dr. McCardle and his team offer general and cosmetic dentistry treatments to help your teeth stay in the best shape possible. To learn more about root canals or to schedule an appointment, call (334) 693-2112, visit them online, or message them on Facebook or Twitter.
