
Most people are excited by the idea of getting a relaxing massage, but may not be prepared for the soreness they might feel after it. For some, soreness can be synonymous with pain and can be uncomfortable. However, it’s important to know that soreness alone isn’t necessarily a negative occurrence. Learn how massage and soreness can work together to benefit you.

How to Deal With Soreness After a Massage

Causes of Soreness

Soreness is your body’s typical, protective response when you put your body through an activity that may cause microscopic tears in the muscles. A common cause of soreness is an intense workout, especially after a long hiatus. The muscles aren’t used to moving a certain way and usually need to breakdown tissue to rebuild themselves and get stronger. The result is soreness and tenderness. A massage may cause the same inflammation response. When this occurs, white blood cells move into the sore areas to start the healing process.

Dealing with Soreness

massageIf you’re sore after your massage, make sure to keep your body moving, as this encourages proper blood flow to your muscles. Soaking your body in Epsom salt or simply taking a warm bath can reduce soreness and may help the body heal faster. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and allow your body to rid itself of toxins that may have been released by the massage.


If life has become too stressful and you need a relaxing escape, turn to Rejuvenation Salon & Spa in Juneau, AK. This relaxing environment offers the total spa experience from hair, skin, nails, and makeup services. Known for excellent customer service, the full-service spa team will make sure you enjoy your massage experience. Call (907) 790-3362 today to book an appointment or visit their website to learn about their spa packages.
