
Dental emergencies need immediate attention from a skilled dentist. However, in the moment, it may be hard to know what is serious and what is not. The guide below explores several situations when waiting could cause further complications for your health.

What Constitutes a Dental Emergency?

1. Knocked Out Tooth

If you've been in a fight or suffered another impact that knocked out your tooth, you might not think there is much a dentist can do. However, there is a chance that the tooth can be saved if treated within 30 minutes of the injury. Even if you don’t make this window, don’t let an empty socket go unchecked, as it can easily become diseased. Not only is this extremely painful, but it can prolong your eventual healing time. Left too long without care, the infection can spread throughout your body, causing severe complications and potentially even death.

2. Facial or Gingival Swelling

Swelling around your face, jaw, or gums can have a few causes. Often, it means that a dangerous infection has set in, such as a severe cavity in your tooth. Swelling of the gums indicates the beginning stages of periodontal disease and is usually accompanied by gingival bleeding, too. If you don’t seek care for this condition, it leads to tooth, gum, and bone loss in your jaw.

3. Broken Teeth

dentistCracks, chips, and other fractures are common dental injuries, but they still require immediate care, especially if they bleed or are causing you pain. Cracks or chips that extend into the soft tissues of your tooth are prone to infection, and only a dentist will be able to analyze how deep the damage goes. Beyond this, structurally damaged teeth are susceptible to experiencing worse breaks in the future. A skilled professional will be able to determine the best method to repair your tooth and prevent further complications.


If you have a dental emergency, contact the team at Tri-Cities Dental in Colleyville, TX. With over 25 years of experience, their knowledgeable staff will provide advanced care for severe tooth pain, gingival bleeding, or knocked out teeth or dental implants. Additionally, they offer family and general dentistry services, including cleanings, veneers, and dental implants. Learn more about their experienced dentist online or call (817) 283-3427 to schedule your appointment today.
