
While many people associate bats with sucking blood, there’s more to these interesting creatures and their diets. There are at least 40 different species in the United States alone, and the eating habits among them are varied. Here’s what you should know about these mammals so you can make the appropriate changes around your home and know when to schedule bat removal services.

Different Species of Bats Have Distinct Diets

Known for being nocturnal creatures, bats are the only flying mammals on the planet. While some bats are fruit eaters, others are carnivorous and eat frogs, fish, or even other bats. Vampire bats are found mainly in Central and South America and can live off the blood of other mammals such as livestock.

Bat RemovalIn North America, the predators enjoy insects such as moths, grasshoppers, and beetles. The common brown bat can catch around 1,200 mosquitoes an hour. They hunt for food using echolocation, which allows them to hear high-frequency sounds and detect where food is located. Their extremely sensitive ears can pick up sounds from even the smallest insects.

What Happens When Bats Live on Your Property?

It can be beneficial to have bats in your yard because they eat many night-flying insects, including mosquitoes, that could otherwise become a nuisance for your household. However, it’s important to keep bats outside of your home. Bats can carry the rabies virus, which is fatal if it goes untreated and can be transmitted to any mammal—even humans. If you suspect a bat colony lives in your home, call a bat removal service right away. It’s unsafe (and illegal) to try to catch the bats and forcibly expel them from your property.

Bats are social creatures and often live in colonies. They prefer secluded areas like the attic where they can roost. You can detect their presence by looking for signs such as droppings and brown, oily stains they tend to leave behind near entrances, shutters, eaves, etc. Do your part to deter bats by ensuring all holes, cracks, and gaps in your roofing are sealed or repaired.


When you need reliable bat removal service, contact the professionals at American Bio-Tech Wildlife Services in New Milford, CT. Their experienced technicians specialize in humane animal control, and will safely remove wildlife including raccoons, squirrels, and bats from your home or building. To inquire about their animal services, call (860) 355-1231 today or visit them online to learn more about the company. 
