
It’s an emotional time when your little one heads off to pre-school for the first time. While it’s exciting that your child has reached this milestone, it may be hard for them to accept that you’ll be apart for a few hours each day. The separation anxiety that many youngsters experience is completely natural. Here are three tips to ease that discomfort.

How to Manage Pre-School Separation Anxiety

1. Create a Goodbye Routine

Changes take time to grow accustomed to—for you and your child. Creating a goodbye routine will help you both feel more comfortable. First, make it a point not to linger when you drop your little one off. Though it’s tempting to stand at the door and watch, your child may feel even more anxious when you leave after. Instead, delve into your routine right away. It could be as simple as a hug and a kiss on the cheek or as fun and goofy as a special handshake that only the two of you know.

2. Avoid Showing Your Anxiety

Omaha, NE preschoolNerves are bound to creep up as new parents watch their firstborn enter a child care center for the first time. Even though you may want to cry or hold onto them for a moment longer, it’s best not to display those emotions in front of your child. They’ll pick up on your nerves and may start associating pre-school with those feelings. Feel free to release your pent-up anxiety after drop-off, however.

3. Bring a Transition Item

Sometimes it’s the comfort of home that children miss the most when they’re in a new environment. You can ease this transition by tucking a small, familiar item into their bag. It could be a blanket for them to use at naptime or a beloved stuffed animal. Your child will feel close to home whenever they hold this special item. Remember to choose something that isn’t noisy, and be sure to label it in case it gets lost in the classroom.


At Little Hands at Work & Play in Omaha, NE, young students begin a journey that sets them on the path to academic and social success. The secure daycare center is staffed with qualified educators who put the needs of your children first. Each room is equipped with cameras for safety, and the facility proudly offers an array of child care programs for pre-school and pre-kindergarten children. Call (402) 408-0915 to learn more about their programs.
