
Parents are often amazed by how fast their babies turn into toddlers with unique personalities. Though your child will constantly grow and become more independent at home and at their preschool program, there are a few special developmental milestones they’ll reach between the ages of three and five. Below are the essential physical, social, and behavioral changes your little one will achieve during this phase of life. 

3 Abilities That Preschoolers Master 

1. Physical Movement

By the time your child is ready for a preschool program, they’ll generally be able to engage in some relatively advanced physical activity without the assistance of a parent. They can hop on one leg, run, climb up and down steps, and throw a ball with little to no help. They also have enhanced fine motor skills during this phase, allowing them to engage in activities like drawing with a crayon and tying their shoelaces. 

2. Communication

Thanks to their growing sense of self-sufficiency and thriving curiosity, preschool-age children become more social. They learn how to converse with their peers using basic sentences, tell jokes, and ask questions. As they reach age five, their vocabulary increases substantially. During this phase, children usually become more likely to play with their peers at their preschool program and share toys. 

3. Intellect

preschool programPreschoolers have vivid imaginations and may confuse reality and fantasy at times. They may fear monsters under the bed, for instance, or exaggerate when telling stories. Still, they’ll gradually become better at distinguishing fact and fiction. At age three, they may know a few colors or how to match objects. By the time they are five, they can memorize their address, count, read, and speak fluently. Their ability to concentrate and pay attention also improves, which will help them retain information learned at their preschool program. 


Mendon Child Care Center is dedicated to providing a safe environment for children to play, learn, and thrive. With convenient locations in Monroe and Ontario counties, NY, they offer preschool programs, infant care, and after-school activities. Their attentive staff uses fun, educational activities to meet the social, behavioral, and intellectual needs of children at every developmental stage. To learn more about their preschool programs, call (585) 624-2337 or visit them online today.
