
Show and tell is an excellent opportunity for children to share their interests with peers, practice speech skills, and boost their confidence. When it is time for show and tell at your child’s day care, parents can offer support by contributing creative ideas on what to bring. These should ideally be objects your young one can speak about extensively. Here are some unique suggestions for show and tell.

Ideas for Your Child’s Day Care Show & Tell

1. Family Collage

Help your child craft a collage of your family to bring to day care. This could consist of photographs and drawings, and you might include immediate and extended family. Both the process and presentation will allow your child to learn and share stories about your family. 

2. Letters & Postcards

Receiving mail is exciting for children. If your child has a pen pal or writes to a relative, they can share their letters and postcards at the day care center. Rather than just reading them aloud, kids may describe who they’re talking to, what they like to talk about, or how often they chat.

3. Favorite Hobbies

day careKids love talking about their favorite hobbies, activities, and interests. Having a platform to do so can enhance their self-esteem and create connections among peers. Does your child enjoy soccer? Are they learning to play a musical instrument? Propose bringing an item related to that hobby to share with the rest of the kids.

4. Comfort Items

Whether they carry significant memories or simply bring contentment to your little one, comfort items are perfect for show and tell. This includes objects such as stuffed animals, special toys, and books. Children can explain where they got the item, how long they’ve had it, and why it’s important to them.

5. Nature Finds

Going outside for fresh air and exercise is essential to healthy development, and for children, it can easily turn into an adventure. Take your child out for trips to the woods, park, and the beach for a treasure hunt. They can collect interesting leaves, rocks, fossils, shells, and flowers to show to their peers.


At Tiny World Child Care in Brookline, MA, kids flourish in a nourishing environment that fosters confidence. These compassionate child care professionals are dedicated to making your child feel at home while providing a first-rate early childhood education. Their day care and preschool programs are filled with engaging activities that help develop creativity, critical thinking, and empathy. Learn more about their play- and exploration-focused programs online. For enrollment information, call (617) 232-0115.
