
If your doctor has recommended general surgery, you might feel pretty anxious. It’s perfectly normal to feel this way — in fact, according to a 2014 study of 239 patients preparing for a surgical procedure, about 70 percent of them experienced anxiety. Fortunately, by understanding the root of these feelings, you can make your surgery a less scary experience. Here’s what you need to know.

What Is Pre-Surgery Anxiety & What Causes It?

Pre-surgery anxiety occurs when your fear of general surgery is so severe that you experience physical symptoms, like nausea, chest pain, and a racing heart. Several factors can cause this anxiety, including fear of the unknown, unpleasant experiences with previous surgeries, and fear of the result of surgery. If you figure out where your fears come from, you can plan ahead to relieve them.

What Are Effective Ways to Reduce Pre-Surgery Anxiety?

Learn About Your Surgery

The more information you learn about your general surgery, the fewer uncertainties you’ll have about it. For example, you’ll want to find out the benefits and risks of your surgical procedure, how to prepare for your surgery, and how to properly recover from it.

Partake in Relaxation Techniques

general surgeryThere are several relaxation techniques you can do to ease your nerves before surgery, including meditation. Meditating involves focusing on your thoughts and breathing, ultimately calming your nerves. Yoga and deep breathing exercises can also help you relax.

Surround Yourself With Supportive People

If you create a support system, you’ll have people to talk to about your anxiety and fears about surgery. Being able to express your emotions with family and friends who truly care can help you feel better and go into your procedure feeling calm.


If you’re exploring your options for general surgery in Mountain Home, AR, turn to the medical professionals at Ozark Surgical Group. These surgeons have the expertise to handle everything from outpatient surgery and laparoscopy to colorectal surgery and breast surgery. They’re committed to making their patients feel as comfortable as possible throughout the entire process, and they’ll answer any questions or concerns to reduce pre-surgery anxiety. For more information about their services, call (870) 425-9120 or visit their website today.
