
Keeping your dog physically active is a necessity—no matter the season. Even if it’s winter, you can still take them out for walks to release their pent-up energy after you pick them up from doggie day care or come home from work. To commemorate Walking the Dog Day on February 22, here are a few tips for going on winter walks with your canine companion.

What Are the Dangers of Winter Walking?

Walking your dog in winter is a little different compared to walks done under more comfortable temperatures. Although long-haired breeds can withstand the cold, canines with short hair are more susceptible to hypothermia. Pay particular attention to signs of frostbite on your dog’s exposed areas, like the footpads, nose, ears, and tail. When you notice pale, cold skin on your dog after being inside for a while, have it covered and treated to prevent swelling and infection. Consult with your veterinarian if the condition appears severe.

Another danger when dog walking in the snow is exposure to harsh, toxic chemicals. Sidewalks and driveways are often sprinkled with de-icing agents that contain salt or potassium chloride to melt ice buildup. Antifreeze or coolant spills tend to be more common in the winter as well, which can be enticing to your pooches because of the sweet taste. These chemicals can poison your dogs if they lick and ingest them. 

How to Make Winter Walk a Breeze

doggie day careDespite the hazards that come with walking your dogs during winter, there are several ways you can protect them. Dress them warmly by putting dry sweaters on their bodies and booties on each paw. Bring an extra set of clothes they can change into when they play in the snow. Slather petroleum jelly to their foot pads as an additional layer of protection and keep them on a leash to prevent them from running off and getting lost.

And, observe your dog for signs of overexposure to the cold, including whining, shivering, and slow movement. Bring them back indoors immediately if you notice these problems. It’s also best to exercise your dog indoors when outdoor temperatures are below freezing. Some doggie day care facilities have gyms inside where pooches can expend their energy.


Be mindful of these pet safety tips when going for a stroll with your canine to celebrate Walking Your Dog Day. When you need to leave them for a while, take them to Hickman Creek Kennel. As the premier doggie day care and boarding facility in Jessamine County, KY, they provide quality pet care services ranging from grooming to training. Call (859) 885-3647 or inquire about doggie day care via their website.  
