
According to a study by the Journal of the American Dental Association (JADA), one out of every eight people has sensitive teeth. Given the prevalence of this issue, family dentists routinely treat patients who are experiencing this type of discomfort, which can become especially prevalent with temperature fluctuations. There are many dental health issues that can cause tooth sensitivity; below are three common ones your family dentist wants you to be aware of.

3 Common Reasons for Teeth Sensitivity

1. Gum Disease

The gums protect the teeth. However, when gums begin to recede, revealing more of your tooth, it indicates the development of gum disease. This leaves your teeth vulnerable to more exposure to other germs and bacteria, which can lead to sensitivity. Serious cases of gum disease may require an intervention via your family dentist. They can review treatment alternatives with you, which might include nonsurgical options, like deep cleanings, or more intensive solutions, such as tooth sealants or soft-tissue grafts. However, twice-daily brushing and flossing can go a long way in preventing gum disease, so it’s best to stick to this dental regiment to avoid developing this condition.

2. Plaque Buildupfamily dentist

The accumulation of plaque on your teeth can also cause sensitivity. When this buildup is not effectively removed with daily brushing and flossing, it can eat away at the enamel layer which safeguards the tooth. After enamel begins to erode, the tooth no longer has that essential protective barrier, and is more vulnerable to changes in temperature. Regular monitoring, teeth cleanings, and dental scaling can help remedy this issue.

3. A Cracked Tooth

A crack can expose the inside of a tooth and cause sensitivity. Once the thin enamel on the outside of the tooth has been ruptured, the interior of the crack is not afforded the protection healthy enamel usually provides. The discomfort stemming from a cracked tooth can make it difficult to eat, drink, and even speak, however, this is not the type of dental issue best resolved at home. If you have a cracked tooth, promptly schedule an appointment with your family dentist to have your tooth professionally evaluated and treated.


While tooth sensitivity can be painful, it’s almost always correctable by a family dentist. The first step is to never ignore the discomfort, and make an appointment with a dental care professional as soon as possible. Rydell Family Dental has been serving Sawyer County, WI, for over 20 years. They offer a variety of treatments to address tooth sensitivity, including cleanings, dental fillings, as well as regular exams and monitoring. Request an appointment today by calling (715) 634-4864, visiting them online. Learn more about this dental practice by also following them on Facebook.
