
An aligner or retainer can make a big difference in improving your smile. Whether your orthodontist recommended wearing a retainer after getting your braces off, or they fitted you with Invisalign® aligners, it’s important to take good care of these appliances. Here are a few tips for keeping retainers and aligners clean.


Brush them daily.

Just like the rest of your mouth, orthodontic devices can harbor bacteria that could lead to tooth decay and gum disease. Once a day, use toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush to remove bacteria from your retainer or aligner. Rinse and dry your appliance completely before putting it away.

Use gentle cleansers.

Give your retainer or aligner a thorough cleaning once a week. Ask your orthodontist to suggest specific brands of cleaning products that are safe for your appliance. You may also use a mild solution of one part warm water and one part baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, or vinegar. 

Fairfield orthodontistClean the case.

No matter how carefully you maintain your orthodontic appliance, you’ll still put it at risk of attracting bacteria if you don’t clean the case regularly. A few times a week, scrub all surfaces of the case with warm soapy water. Give it a thorough rinse and let it air dry completely before putting your aligner or retainer back inside.


Expose them to heat.

You might think hot water would be the best choice for killing bacteria, but high temperatures may damage the material. Don’t put your device in boiling water or a dishwasher, as the heat can warp its shape and reduce its effectiveness. Never leave your appliance on the dashboard of a car where the sun’s heat could damage it.

Clean them with alcohol.

Although alcohol effectively kills germs, it can dry out your aligner or retainer and ruin it. Avoid using alcohol-based mouthwash or rubbing alcohol to clean your appliance. If you like the fresh feeling of wearing an orthodontic device that’s been rinsed in mouthwash, ask your orthodontist to recommend an alcohol-free brand.


Whether you’re interested in maintaining your results after orthodontic care or need help beginning to straighten your smile, find an orthodontist you can trust. Lamont Jacobs Orthodontics in Fairfield, OH, offers braces, Invisalign, and additional treatment options for adults, kids, and teens. Dr. Jacobs and his exceptional team provide personalized orthodontic care in a friendly environment. Call (513) 829-7045 today to schedule an orthodontist appointment, and visit the practice’s website to learn more about their treatment options.
