
As a parent, it’s natural to have concerns about your baby’s health and well-being. Many issues resolve themselves with minimal at-home care. However, the following symptoms require the prompt attention of a pediatrician to provide comprehensive treatment.

5 Reasons to Visit a Pediatrician Right Away

1. Fever

For newborns younger than three months, any signs of fever should be assessed by a physician immediately. For older babies, anything higher than 102 degrees Fahrenheit that lasts more than one day may be cause for alarm. This is especially true if your baby has other symptoms like diarrhea or nasal congestion.

2. Vomiting

Spitting up is a normal infant behavior. Vomiting is another matter, as it’s characterized by forceful ejection of stomach contents. Seek medical attention if your baby is unable to retain foods and liquids or vomits after feedings.

3. Changes in Behavior

PediatricianLook for cues in your baby’s behavior if you’re concerned about a serious illness. This can include lethargy, inconsolable crying for an extended period, diminished appetite, and extreme floppiness. Even if changes seem minor, a medical professional can assess the situation.

4. Rash

Most parents are familiar with diaper rashes, which usually aren’t a serious issue. Other types of rashes can be concerning, especially if they occur suddenly. Any rash that is accompanied by a fever or other symptoms requires immediate assessment.

5. Dehydration

A sick baby can easily become dehydrated. When crying, look closely at how many tears your baby produces, as this can indicate a lack of hydration. Also, pay attention when changing diapers. Dehydrated babies urinate less frequently.


The pediatricians at Pediatrics PC in Lincoln, NE, are as committed to the health of your baby as you are. That’s why parents have trusted this practice for more than five decades, whether in need of routine checkups, vaccines and immunizations, or prenatal care. They also go above and beyond to educate parents, allowing you to play an active role in your child’s health care. Call (402) 489-0800 today to schedule an appointment. You can also visit their website for more helpful information for parents with babies.
