
A private school education gives students the knowledge and skills they need to excel in college, but your child could be gaining even more from their secondary school career. By joining clubs and after-school activities, your son will enrich his learning with a variety of new experiences. Here are some of the many benefits of getting involved in extracurricular activities.

Why Your Teen Should Join Private School Clubs

1. Explore Interests

Students need breaks from academic work to relax and participate in pursuits they enjoy. When they attend a club after class, they’ll use their time constructively to learn more about a topic or gain deep practical experience in an area they’re passionate about, such as visual art, chess, or science. This allows them to become healthy, well-rounded adults with diverse interests.

2. Learn to Lead

Private school clubs offer opportunities to take responsibility for a team or run projects. Through these experiences, your son will learn how to be an effective manager while working and cooperating with others. Leadership positions help build confidence and communication skills, which will benefit your son long after he graduates.

3. Making Friends & Expanding Their Network

When your son joins a club, he’ll have a group of peers guaranteed to share his interests, fostering lifelong friendships. He’ll also have more opportunities to impress club advisers. Building a network of teachers and classmates early on will give your student a lifelong advantage. Having reliable professional, social, and academic networks strengthens your child’s odds of finding opportunities. These individuals can help with writing a letter of recommendation for college or putting in a good word for a competitive internship.

4. Polish Their Resume

It’s easier to win jobs or internships with demonstrated experience. Relevant private school club participation will show potential supervisors that your son is driven and truly interested in what he does. If he’s an editor for the student paper, for instance, he’ll have an edge when applying for a position at a local magazine. 

5. Impress Colleges

These days, it takes more than a perfect GPA to get into a top-ranked university. Colleges want students who are active, inquisitive, and involved in their community. Encourage involvement in a subject your child loves. This way, they’ll be more likely to grow from the experience. They may even find rich material to discuss in their college application essay.


Your student will have no trouble finding the perfect after-school club at Saint Joseph High School. For boys in Middlesex, Union, Essex, Hunterdon, and Somerset counties, NJ, this top-rated private school offers an abundance of clubs and activities. From fishing club to robotics, there are endless interests to explore. While immersed in an exceptional Catholic education, your son will be able to develop essential life skills. To learn more about this private school, call (732) 549-7600. Visit their website to view the list of clubs and activities.
