
Tree services do more than trim and remove trees for aesthetic reasons. They also help homeowners with tree preservation by identifying and treating sick and diseased trees. It doesn’t always take an experienced arborist to spot a sick tree though. If you notice any trees on your property with these symptoms, take action by contacting a tree service sooner rather than later.

3 Symptoms of a Sick Tree

1. The Bark Is Peeling Off

The bark is part of a tree’s protective armor, protecting it from the elements and pests. If you notice a tree that has bark peeling off on its own in large amounts, it’s time to contact an arborist. A tree specialist can determine what’s causing the problem and make sure the tree maintains its needed nutrients.

2. Spotty Leaves

tree serviceWhen a tree’s leaves begin to yellow and develop spots or holes, they’re experiencing armillaria root rot caused by fungus. Eventually, branches will begin to fall, and the trunk may start to tilt. It will take a few years for the tree to die completely, so a quick response can help manage the disease so that the tree lives longer without infecting nearby trees and plants.

3. Dying Branches

When multiple tree limbs hang low, it’s a sure sign your tree is in poor health. When they begin to break off, it’s possible a disease has taken root that can’t be treated, or the tree needs careful attention. Pruning dead limbs and supplying the plant with nutrients and sunlight can sometimes work wonders.


Homeowners who need tree services in Cornelia, GA, can rely on McAllister Tree Service. Their trained arborists specialize in tree pruning, stump removal, or tree preservation services. They can inspect your trees and help you determine the best course of action to preserve them, and if that’s not possible, safely remove them. Call (706) 778-7527 or visit them online to learn more about their services.
