
If you live in a home built before the 1970s and haven’t upgraded your plumbing system, your sewer lines are likely made of cast iron. This was a popular choice for its longevity, durability, and noise-deadening capabilities. Despite these advantages, it has a downside: sewer line descaling is necessary to prevent issues that might cause plumbing blockages in the home. Here’s why you may need to contact a septic repair professional to handle the job.

What You Should Know About Sewer Line Descaling

What Happens Inside Cast Iron Sewer Lines?

Without regular sewer maintenance, you may find that you’re constantly reaching out to a septic repair professional to handle a stubborn plumbing blockage. The problem is due in large part to the cast iron material. Because the lines are so old, little flakes of cast iron slip into the sewer line with regular use. Those pieces are known as “scale,” and if they aren’t removed promptly, they can collect inside the line, much like grease or oil inside a kitchen sink pipe.  

Why Is Descaling Necessary?

septic repairWhen the obstruction forms inside the line, it prevents debris from properly flowing through when you flush the toilet. With enough flushes and scale accumulation, a substantial clog develops. You may not realize it until the toilet takes significantly longer than usual to drain when flushed or when water running down the sink is slow to drain. While some homeowners may use a chemical product to break a blockage, it’s better for a septic repair professional to assess the problem. Harsh solutions often contain acids, which can damage the iron.

What Are Some Points to Remember?

Take preventive action and have a sewer maintenance professional descale the lines at least once every 18 months or so. This will prevent sluggishness and backups at home. Sometimes a septic repair professional may determine that a replacement is a more cost-effective solution if the sewer lines are corroded and in danger of causing a leak. It’s best to heed this advice, or you may end up dealing with frequent sewer maintenance.


Is your plumbing system sluggish? If you live in an older home with cast iron sewer lines, you may need to have them descaled. The experts at J & J Septic & Sewer Cleaning are proud to serve homeowners throughout the Metro East area in IL, offering everything from basic sewer maintenance to septic repair and tank pumping. You can visit the company online to find out more about how they can help, and call (618) 939-3001 to request a quote.
