
Your attic insulation has a dramatic effect on your home's temperature and energy use. With insulation of the proper thickness, your home will be more comfortable, and you'll spend less on your heating and cooling equipment. To make sure your home is optimized for efficiency, follow these steps.

How to Monitor & Improve Your Attic Insulation

1. Watch Your Power Bills

If your furnace or air conditioner is working overtime, that could be a sign that your insulation isn’t up to snuff. Your HVAC system will have to use more energy to regulate your home’s temperature. This will be noticeable in higher electric or gas bills. Keep an eye on these costs, and if they seem unusual, follow the next steps.

2. Visually Inspect

Most attic insulation is left exposed, so you can easily check whether it's compressed, damaged, or missing. Go up to your attic about once a year or when you suspect a problem, and have a look around. Insulation should look thick, even, and intact.

3. Get an Energy Audit

attic insulationHave an insulation contractor assess your home to see where energy is being lost. They may use infrared cameras and other testing technology, or may simply give you a thorough visual assessment. At the end, they'll identify your problem areas and recommend how to fix them.

4. Research Different Insulation Types

Many kinds of insulation are available, from thick fiberglass blankets, spray foam, and loose-fill material. Each of these is rated differently and suited for installation in different areas. For example, spray foam and blankets or batts can be attached to walls and ceilings, while loose fiberglass is poured or blown into the open rafter space below your attic and above the ceiling of the next floor. Ask which options your provider offers and for their recommendations about R-values


To get an energy audit and consult with a professional on your attic insulation needs, contact Insulation Solutions of CT in East Hartford. Serving Hartford County, these certified insulation contractors pride themselves on their deep knowledge of home energy use. These reliable experts are committed to complete transparency and will ensure your home interiors are comfortable in any season. To schedule a visit, call (860) 586-8111 or learn more about their services online.
