
While most people know brushing, flossing, and regular teeth cleanings and exams are the fundamental principles of maintaining optimal oral health, many overlook some of the daily habits that could be damaging their smile. These seemingly innocent actions can have serious implications for your dental health. To ensure strong, healthy teeth and gums, be sure to avoid these harmful habits.

Common Ways You Can Harm Your Teeth

1. Chewing on Ice

If you enjoy iced drinks regularly, avoid the temptation to chew on cubes. Doing so can create tooth fractures, which will require restorative work to be fixed. Avoid chewing on pencils and pens when you’re lost in thought, too.

2. Brushing Too Hard

Regular brushing is indeed an essential aspect of comprehensive dental care, but when it’s done too hard, it can actually cause damage. Aggressive brushing can weaken your enamel and irritate gums. Choose a soft-bristled brush and try brushing with the opposite hand for a while. This will give you an idea of how gently you should be brushing.

3. Biting Your Nails

Nail biting is a common routine people often practice mindlessly. While it may seem harmless, it can actually lead to a number of oral issues, such as misalignment and splintering enamel. Keep your nails trimmed or filed short and apply a bitter-flavored polish if necessary.

4. Grinding Your Teeth

Many people who are guilty of this habit don’t even know it. The habit is involuntary and done while sleeping, but it can cause permanent enamel damage if left unaddressed. Watch for symptoms like a sore jaw, headache, and tooth sensitivity. If needed, discuss solutions such as a custom-fit mouthguard with your dentist to kick the habit.

5. Neglecting a Mouthguard

Speaking of mouthguards, if you play contact sports, make sure you always wear one. No one can foresee a collision or other sports-related injury, so it’s best to stay protected at all times. Losing a permanent tooth can be painful, and restorative work could involve oral surgery.

6. Opening Packages With Teeth

Next time you’re tempted to open a stubborn package using your mouth, grab a pair of scissors instead. Tough plastic can create chips and cracks in your enamel, creating a need for cosmetic or restorative dental work.

7. Drinking Sugary Beverages

teethMany sodas and sports drinks are loaded with added sugars, which can cling to enamel and cause cavities. To make matters worse, they also tend to be acidic, which further damages the tooth’s surface. When possible, sip water instead, and add cucumber if you’re craving flavor. 


Even if you’re careful to avoid these habits, it’s still important to have your teeth cleaned and checked by a professional team regularly. If you’re due for a dental exam, contact the office of William B. Collier Jr., DMD. Having served the Enterprise, AL, area for more than 35 years, this practice specializes in all phases of family dentistry and offers same-day appointments for your utmost convenience. Explore their list of services online or call (334) 347-5026 to request an appointment.
