
If you don’t regularly perform pet dental cleaning at home, consider learning more about this oral health habit during National Pet Dental Health Month in February. Your animal’s oral care is important to their overall well-being, which makes pet dental cleaning a priority. From the best ways to accomplish this task at home to when you should see a veterinarian, here’s what you should know about your animal’s oral hygiene.

How Can You Keep Your Pet’s Teeth Clean at Home?

Pet dental cleaning can be done at home as long as you acquaint your animal with the process. Start by getting them used to you touching the outside of their mouth, and reward them with a treat. As they get comfortable with this touching, introduce the toothbrush and work to get them used to the feeling of it inside their mouth, praising them as they go. Simply focus on the outside of your animal’s teeth because their tongue and saliva production wash the inside.

When Should You Have a Professional Cleaning?

pet dental cleaningDepending on your animal’s oral health, veterinarians typically recommend a professional pet dental cleaning once every six months to one year. Your veterinarian will examine your animal’s teeth and look for any potential problem areas. After assessing their overall oral health and your home routine, they will instruct you on how frequently you should continue to schedule these appointments.

Can Animal’s Develop Oral Health Issues?

Your pet is susceptible to decay and cavities, so proper dental habits are important to avoiding painful toothaches or abscesses. If decay and cavities continue to develop, they may experience bad breath or even gum disease. Additionally, pets can succumb to issues like broken teeth, which can cause discomfort and make it difficult for them to properly chew their food. Make sure to visit your veterinarian if you notice a recurring foul odor from your pet’s mouth or a reduced food intake.


If you want to schedule a professional cleaning during National Pet Dental Health Month, visit the professionals at Tender Care Animal Hospital in Prairie du Chien, WI. For more than 15 years, they have offered a number of services vital to your animal’s health, from pet dental cleanings to preventive treatments like vaccinations. To learn more about proper dental hygiene for your pet, visit them online or call (608) 326-7101.
