
Certain medical conditions can lead to infertility in women. While receiving these diagnoses can be overwhelming, infertility treatments are available. In many cases, an experienced fertility doctor can help you conceive. To better understand whether you should seek assistance from a fertility clinic, here’s a list of common ailments that may require infertility treatments if you want to get pregnant in the future. 

3 Medical Conditions That May Call for Infertility Treatment

1. Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a condition where uterine tissue grows outside of the uterus. This issue affects roughly one out of every 10 women in their reproductive years and can cause painful period cramping, fatigue, heavy menstruation, and pelvic pain during intercourse. In some cases, tissue growth can constrict the Fallopian tubes or make it difficult for an egg to implant in the uterine wall. 


Infertility TreatmentPolycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS is a hormone disorder that causes issues with the release of eggs. Because of an increase in male hormone production, patients with this condition have irregular periods, making it more difficult to conceive. Other symptoms of PCOS include weight gain, hair growth, acne, and darkening skin patches. 

3. Autoimmune Disorders

Autoimmune diseases like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis can negatively impact fertility as both conditions are characterized by the body attacking healthy cells. When it comes to conception, this can lead to difficulty producing healthy eggs or issues with an embryo’s ability to successfully implant in the uterine wall. 


If you have any of the above conditions and want to learn more about infertility treatment options, consult the Pacific In Vitro Fertilization Institute. As Hawaii’s first IVF clinic since opening in 1985, they’ve helped locals grow families and overcome medical conditions to become expectant mothers. Call today at (808) 946-2226 to schedule a consultation. For more information on this Honolulu-based team of dedicated fertility doctors and the wide range of services they offer, from in vitro fertilization to fertility preservation, visit their website
