
A warm, cozy home is a quintessential part of winter. Unfortunately, for many people, that means increased energy bills. Luckily, heating doesn’t have to mean spending a lot of money. There are plenty of ways to cut costs and improve your furnace’s efficiency. If you’re looking for solutions, consider the ones below to get started.

How to Lower Your Heating Bills

1. Replace Your Air Filters

One of the easiest ways to achieve better efficiency and heating is to change your air filters. When they become clogged, warm air can’t flow through your vents smoothly. This causes your furnace to overwork to achieve the desired temperatures. Change clogged filters as needed and clean the air ducts regularly.

2. Upgrade Your Thermostat

A lot of energy gets wasted when your furnace runs unnecessarily. Rather than constantly changing the temperature in your home, invest in a programmable thermostat. Many include smart features so that you can heat specific rooms in your house, control temperatures and functionality from your smartphone, and even operate your system when you’re away. Make sure to have a heating contractor install it to ensure it’s set up properly. 

3. Schedule an Inspection

Every furnace requires maintenance, and if you fall behind, issues can arise and go unnoticed. To ensure you’re not wasting money due to a faulty furnace, schedule an inspection this winter. An HVAC professional can closely look for potential problems—such as wear and tear—and also address existing ones—such as potential leaks—so that your system runs more smoothly. Winter is a good time to have them look at your air conditioning unit as well so that you can be confident in its performance come spring.


If you’re overdue for a furnace inspection, turn to the team at Colburns Heating & Air Conditioning. They’re proud to offer comprehensive heating and cooling services to clients throughout southwestern NY and northwestern PA, and you can count on a technician working closely with you to achieve the results you want. Call (716) 569-3695 to schedule a consultation or visit their website for a full breakdown of their services.
