
When you’re planning a vacation or business trip, dental care might be the last thing on your mind. But oral hygiene is always important, and being on the move presents some unique dental risks. Here’s how you can maintain a bright smile wherever you are.

How to Care for Your Teeth Away From Home

1. Pack Dental Hygiene Essentials

When packing for your journey, make sure you include everything you’ll need to take care of your teeth. Toothpaste, a toothbrush, and dental floss should always be standard supplies in your travel kit. If you forget any of these items, don’t just decide to live without them while you’re gone — stop by a store when you arrive, or ask if your hotel offers complimentary dental care supplies.

2. Keep Your Toothbrush Clean

If you store your toothbrush in a travel case when you’re on the go, you may be inviting bacteria to grow on its bristles. Keeping a wet toothbrush in an enclosed space creates a moist environment where bacteria can thrive. Whenever possible, let your toothbrush air dry before putting it away, and wash and dry the inside of the case regularly.

3. Maintain Good Habits

Kenai dental careNo matter how well you care for your teeth at home, it can be easy to let good habits fall by the wayside when you’re on vacation or traveling for work. As much as possible, maintain your normal dental care routine while you’re gone. Make time to brush twice a day and floss once a day, and don’t overdo the sweet snacks and beverages.

4. Bring Sugarless Gum

Keep a pack of sugarless gum with you at all times while traveling. In addition to providing a sweet flavor that can keep sugar cravings at bay, chewing it during an airplane ride helps equalize your ear pressure, making the flight more comfortable. If you can’t brush your teeth right after a meal, chewing sugarless gum can wash away some of the bacteria that cause tooth decay.


Before your trip, if you have a toothache or some other problem with your teeth or gums, don’t risk letting your symptoms get worse and ruin your trip. James Julien, DDS, in Kenai, AK, has been providing quality dental care for patients of all ages for over 20 years. Whatever kind of dental service you need, from teeth cleaning to braces to dental implants, their friendly and knowledgeable team is ready to help. Call (907) 283-4857 today to schedule a dentist appointment or visit their website to learn more about the practice.
