
When a weight loss journey has transformed your confidence and lifestyle, you don't want to go backward. Unfortunately, about 80% of recent dieters have failed to retain their results. To stop yourself from being part of this statistic, the guide below offers tips for long-term weight management

How to Keep the Pounds Off

1. Keep Up With Healthy Eating

You were likely on a strict eating plan during your weight loss journey, and it may be tempting to indulge once reaching your goal weight. While it’s certainly okay to celebrate, recommit to healthy eating afterward. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, and plenty of protein will keep you nourished and help with weight management. 

2. Exercise Regularly 

weight managementFind physical activities that you truly enjoy and look forward to. Whether you take group exercise classes or jog in the park, these activities can make you feel better in more ways than one—as the endorphins produced by exercise have been shown to reduce anxiety.

3. Find a Support System

Weight management does not have to be a solitary effort. Find other people who are on a similar journey and support each other. Go to the gym together, swap recipes, or create a Facebook® group to keep each other updated.

4. Manage Stress Levels

Studies have shown a link between stress and weight management. Your body produces cortisol when you are stressed, which can contribute to excess stomach fat. Stress may also cause you to overeat or reach for foods that are high in sugar. Meditation, reading, time outdoors, and engaging in artistic pursuits are some of the ways to avoid this dangerous slide. 

5. Expect Setbacks

When working to maintain your weight, remember that you are not perfect. Everyone overindulges from time to time. Therefore, practice self-forgiveness. After experiencing a setback, remember that tomorrow is a new day to commit to your healthy lifestyle. 


User-added imageWeight loss can be challenging, but you do not need to complete this process alone. The team at Nebraska Weight Management Institute will design safe and effective exercise programs to help you achieve your fitness goals. Located in Omaha and Lincoln, NE, they also offer nutritional consultations with a registered dietitian and metabolic rate testing. To learn more about their programs, visit them online. You can also call the Lincoln clinic at (402) 483-4770 or the Omaha clinic at (402) 399-9386.
