
Bad breath is something many people will experience, and it can have a significant impact on your day-to-day life. You may feel less confident and avoid social situations. Luckily, it’s something that you can easily fix with proper dental care and lifestyle changes. By eliminating causes and working with your dentist, you can be confident you have fresh, pleasant breath and are maintaining a healthy smile.

Tips for Preventing Bad Breath

1. Quit Tobacco

dentist A leading trigger of bad breath is tobacco products. Cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, and other products create a smell that lingers in your mouth long after you smoke. They also cause extensive staining. When you quit smoking, you’re not simply improving your breath—you’re also taking a major step toward improving every aspect of your health.

2. Stay Hydrated

When your mouth dries out, it won’t naturally wash food and bacteria from your teeth throughout the day. As foods particles sit between your teeth, they begin to decay, leading to bad breath. To avoid dry mouth, stay hydrated throughout the day, aiming to drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water. If you’re living with chronic dry mouth, you should speak with your dentist about prescription solutions to resolve the issue.

3. Brush & Floss

It’s impossible to maintain a healthy smile without brushing and flossing. This, in turn, impacts your breath. Make sure to brush and floss at least twice day, and don’t forget to brush your tongue. You’ll remove decaying food particles and also prevent serious complications like cavities and gum disease. You also need to visit the dentist twice a year and address any existing oral health issues.


If you’re overdue for a teeth cleaning, turn to a dentist at Elm Dental Care in St. Charles, MO. They offer comprehensive dental care services, as well as cosmetic dentistry solutions ranging from teeth whitening to dental implants. Their skilled team is committed to their patients’ comfort and you can count on personalized care at each visit. Call (636) 916-4848 to schedule an exam and visit their website to learn more about their practice. You can also connect on Facebook for regular news and updates.
