
Known best for their whimsical melodies and connection to Hawaii, ukuleles are popular cultural instruments with a surprising backstory. So where exactly did they come from, and how did they become such a widespread symbol of Hawaii? The following look into history explores the creation and growth of the ukulele.

The Story of Ukuleles

The Birth of the Uke

Most would assume that the ukulele, or uke, was born solely in Hawaii. It is actually based on a Portuguese instrument called the machête and was first crafted by men from Madeira, a tropical island off the coast of Portugal. The abundance of wood on the island made furniture and musical instruments popular trades.

Famine and natural disasters in the 1800s led Madeirans to seek new homes, however, and the need for plantation and factory workers drew these emigrants to Hawaii. Miguel Nunes, Augusto Dias, and Jose do Espirito Santo, three Madeiran woodworkers, opened their own workshops after fulfilling their labor contracts. They would eventually transform their talents into the ukuleles you know today.

Behind the Name

'ukulelesAlthough nobody knows the exact origin of the word “ukulele,” there are a few speculations. The most popular theory stems from the word’s literal translation, where “‘uku” means flea and “lele” means to jump. Many likened the quick and skillful playing of Hawaiians on the ukulele to fleas jumping back and forth across the strings.

Association With Hawaii

The proliferation of ukuleles across Hawaii spread easily thanks to big-name players like Queen Lili’uokalani and King Kalakaua. When royalty demonstrated their love of these instruments at parties and events, Hawaiians took them up and began making the music their own.

At the 1915 Panama-Pacific International Exhibition of San Francisco, Hawaiian musicians spearheaded the ukulele’s international fame with hits like “Aloha Oe” and “On a Beach at Waikiki.” The pleasing melodies and gentle sound of the uke were soon linked with the welcoming quality of Hawaii, and the association has endured ever since.


If you want to bring the joyful sounds of Hawaii’s national instrument home with you, come to Kanile’a ‘Ukulele. Based in Kaneohe, HI, this family-owned and -operated facility creates the finest ukuleles around. Each custom one is built with precision by highly trained craftsmen to your specifications, down to the smallest details and engineering processes. Learn the art of ukulele or upgrade your current instrument with a handcrafted masterpiece. Get started on your custom design today by visiting their website. Call (808) 234-2868 to speak with a helpful representative.
