
Mental and behavioral health are two different areas of your overall well-being, though many people might think they mean the same thing. Understanding the difference between these terms is essential to know who to contact to receive the treatment that you need, such as a behavioral specialist or psychiatric service. Below is information to help you understand the distinctions between the two areas and what they cover.

Mental Health

behavioral healthAccording to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, mental health refers to the condition of one’s emotional, psychological, and social wellness. It impacts every aspect of your life, as it can alter your thought patterns, attitude, and behavior.

Mental health disorders are typically caused by physiological factors, such as chemical imbalances, genetic predispositions, or traumatic experiences. Conditions such as bipolar disorder, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and schizophrenia fall under the umbrella of mental care. If you suspect you or a loved one may have a psychological condition, seek care from a licensed professional, such as a counselor, psychiatrist, or psychologist to help manage the condition. 

Behavioral Health

Behavioral health focuses on addressing problematic behaviors and patterns. A behavioral specialist can treat substance abuse disorders because they’re caused by or directly involve harmful behaviors. They’ll also be able to treat behavioral complications associated with many mental illnesses. In this way, behavioral care is a subset of mental health, as it targets behavioral problems that impact your mental well-being.

Eating disorders, alcohol abuse, sexual addiction, and gambling addiction are all examples of conditions that a behavioral expert can help manage. Behavioral treatments can include medications, specialized therapies, and recovery programs to improve your mental well-being and modify negative habits.



For effective, compassionate behavioral health support services, trust in the doctors at Comprehensive Behavioral Health in Staunton, VA. Their experienced team will help you manage conditions such as eating disorders and addictions through medication management, therapy, and other evidence-based treatments. They also offer comprehensive psychiatric service for conditions like bipolar disorder, depression, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, including the cutting-edge transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy. Learn more about the conditions they treat online, and call (540) 688-2646 to schedule an appointment and help you get back to you. 
