
If you think you’re experiencing back pain after sustaining an injury, you may find yourself wrestling with some questions: What could I have done differently to avoid it? When is it time to seek professional help? Wondering for too long could allow the injury to worsen, so eliminate the guesswork with the helpful questions and responses below.

5 Commonly Asked Questions About Back Pain

What are the common causes?

Back pain can develop for a broad range of reasons. When comes on suddenly, it’s usually due to an injury, such as a fall. Additionally, heavy lifting or an awkward movement can cause muscle or ligament strains. If the pain develops slowly over time, however, it could be from arthritis, disk issues, or skeletal irregularities, among other chronic issues.

Where do back injuries usually occur?

The back is made up of a complex network of bones, muscles, and nerves, so it’s possible for many of these areas to become injured. Nonetheless, some areas of the back are more susceptible to injury than others. Sudden movements and heavy lifting often strain or put too much pressure on the low back, for instance. Neck injuries can occur from whiplash, as a result of motor vehicle accidents, while shoulders are often compromised in sports injuries.

What should I do after sustaining the injury?

When you experience pain, it’s important to prevent further injury by allowing yourself to rest. Lie down if possible, and use a heating pad to loosen up the affected muscles and relieve tension. Warm compresses can be applied every couple of hours throughout the day to alleviate discomfort. Body patches may also be applied. While cold compresses can minimize inflammation and swelling, they are generally only used directly after the injury occurs.

Should I visit a chiropractor?

back painIt’s a good idea to visit a chiropractor if your back pain persists for more than a couple of days. While some injuries do heal on their own, there’s also a chance that an underlying condition, such as a disc problem, needs to be addressed. Even if there’s no cause for concern, a chiropractor can still provide natural solutions for pain relief and help you heal sooner.

How are back injuries treated?

Your course of treatment will depend on the type of injury you’ve incurred. Simple stretches may be enough to loosen tight muscles. In other cases, a combination of therapies, such as massage therapy and spinal manipulation, may be recommended to improve your spinal biomechanics, reduce pain, and facilitate healing.


When people in the Cincinnati, OH, area professional assistance to help manage their back pain, they turn to Eastern Hills Chiropractic. Their team offers a variety of solutions for both chronic pain and acute injuries, including massage therapy, leading chiropractic techniques, and lifestyle management. Learn about their adjustment techniques online, or call (513) 528-2200 to schedule an appointment.
